How Do You Steer A Boat?

You will need to pop the boat in and out or reverse 3-5 times to get enough momentum without prop interference to have the rudder get a good hold of the direction. Once you feel the boat going to the left, you can put the boat into reverse-idle and leave it there. You should now be holding a straight line or turning slightly to the left. Pop the boat in and out of gear, wait until the engine engages in reverse, leave it there for a second, then click back to neutral.

Slalomers need a slalom course, and having boat wakes go down the course will force them to stop and wait for them to dissipate, as hitting wakes at slalom speeds is dangerous. Online maps are such a quick and straightforward solution that can help you prevent major issues with your day. Potentially even opening up amazing opportunities on the water, simply by checking before you commit to taking a look. Make sure the observer you have in the boat is paying attention and not just playing on their phone. You don’t want to watch the skier for their full turn and crossing the wakes, you want your eyes to predominantly be looking ahead of the boat.

If it’s windy, I would recommend positioning the front of the boat downwind, in the opposite direction of the wind. Pontoon boats don’t have small turning circles, so you should think in advance before turning in the water. Place the throttle into forward shift and start off slowly with little bursts of power. Next you will need to start turning using the steering wheel. If you have a clear path in which to drive back into, make small and controlled bursts on the throttle to back the boat out of the slip. Using the pontoon’s throttle should be something done with a very gentle motion.

Warm, sunny days are ideal for boating, but you can’t always predict when a storm will roll in. Varying gusts of wind and choppy water are signs of an approaching storm. And even if it’s a warm spring day, the water could instead reflect winter temperatures. In the event that your boat capsizes or you and your passengers get wet, make sure you have a plan to seek help and get dry. So the one thing my first instructor beat into my skull is the fact that coming off plane without checking behind my boat first is dangerous.

I have been there, you are nervous and doubt your ability to pilot your boat. Now you desperately need some final tips to feel confident behind the landscape wheel steering the boat. Understanding how to properly trim a boat can have a dramatic effect on how comfortable the ride is, but every boat reacts differently to trimming in different sea conditions. So, most of the time it takes a bit of experimentation to find the sweet spot. The most important thing is simply that you try trimming, because many boaters never make any adjustments at all and never discover how big a difference it can make. When driving in tight spaces to maneuver up to a dock or slip, shift into neutral for more precise handling.

The demands of the photographers, clients and environments in which I operate have chiseled me into a paranoid boater. The slightest errors can result in lost shots and lost time. Bigger errors can cost thousands of dollars and garner the attention of insurance companies. Success comes from proper training, years of experience and a good dose of telepathy.

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